ggplot2 has less to remember than the plot in R base. Generally, it has those important concepts:
1: mapping and scale: mapping the data to plot attributes, like map data to x, y or colour, group and so on.
2: geometric object: plot points, lines, or curves, histogram, bar chart and so on
3: statistics: like regression, smoothing, or statistics
4: coordinate: choose data to show
5: layer and facet: group the data in different plots
Now I will show how to draw the graphs in the website above.
## to replicate: rm(list=ls()) cat("\014") hsb2 <- read.table('', header=T, sep=",") attach(hsb2) head(hsb2) str(hsb2) library(ggplot2) p<-ggplot(hsb2, aes(x=math, y=write)) ## graph1 p+geom_point()
## graph2 p+geom_point()+stat_smooth(method="lm")## graph3_4 p+geom_point(aes(colour=factor(female)))
(This graph 3-5 is different from the plots on ucla ats. It looks like there are some issues about their plot since if look at the two bigges math value for male, they are 75. But in their third plot this is lost. I have sent email to them to double check.)
## graph5 ggplot(hsb2, aes(x=math, y=write, colour=factor(female), shape=factor(female))) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm", fill=NA)
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